With many people struggling for money these days, it can be necessary to sell things to get some cash. There are high street shops where you can do this as well as websites and some of the most popular are the cash for gold places, which will buy your precious metals from you and give you money for them. Many people think that this just means jeweler and will sell necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and things like that. However, you can take in any sort of metals including boxes, nuggets and coins. If you have some gold and silver coins, then you may have wondered whether it is worth you selling them, but not realized that you could. It can be worth doing some research to find out whether they could be worth some money. There are many places where you could sell them and you need to try to find the place that will offer you the best price. It can take time to do this sort of research and you may find that you need the money quickly and so do not have much time. It is worth taking a look at websites which give you link to a selection of websites that could help you. They will give you an idea of what your gold coins and silver coins are worth and you will be able to decide which is the best. Often they have a section where you can look up the value of your coins and then find out the places where you can sell then and how much you will get. You will find that if you look up the value of your gold coin, the actual gold coin price that you will get, can be very different indeed. The dealers will want to make some profit and will probably not give you the full value of the coin. However, by looking around, you should be able to find a price that you like the look of. If you do not, then you should hold on to the coins and find some other way of making money instead. You may think that it will be better trading it in for metal value, but the coin should be worth more than the metal it is made of because of the history of it. Therefore try to find out the metal value and the coin value and hopefully you will be able to make more than just the value of the gold. Whatever country your coins are from and however old they are, you should be able to get some money for them. Just make sure that you get the most that you can because otherwise you could regret selling them. If you find out later that you could have made more money elsewhere then you will not be happy. Therefore spend a bit of time doing some research and then you will be happy when you sell, knowing that you are getting the best price for your coins.